Housing Study & Strategy RFP in Wisconsin

Housing Study & Strategy RFP in Wisconsin

The City of Sun Prairie Department of Community Development is soliciting proposals from qualified vendors for the completion of a housing study and strategy.

This RFP is issued for the purpose of selecting a qualified firm(s) to complete a comprehensive housing needs analysis and market demand study for the City of Sun Prairie, Wisconsin. They will then need to develop a comprehensive strategy to address housing needs within the community moving forward.

This process shall include a significant public involvement effort to engage and educate citizens on the results of the housing analysis. It will then involve them in the process of developing the comprehensive housing strategy. In addition, the City is interested in obtaining more detailed information. Specifically, housing conditions in several key geographic areas of the community as part of this process.

The successful responder shall demonstrate that they have the experience needed to complete the data collection and technical aspects of this study. They will also show the ability to conduct an inclusive public process to educate the community on the needs and gaps identified by the study. They will then gather public input to assist in the development of the comprehensive housing strategy.

Submission Timeline and Key Dates

Issue Date: December 23, 2020
Informational Meeting: January 12, 2021, 1:30 PM CST*
Questions Issue Date: Noon, January 15, 2021
Answers Posted Date: January 20, 2021
Due Date: January 29, 2021, 2:00 PM CST

*The informational meeting is not mandatory but highly recommended. It will be a virtual meeting.


Learn more about this opportunity with help from The Bid Lab! Then, let our experience guide your way through the entire RFP response process. We will implement our tried and true methods to organize your data, processes, and people. Contact us today to see how we can make your experience a positive and informative one!