Pennsylvania Game Commission Tree Removal Services RFP

The Pennsylvania Game Commission, Northeast Region, requires the services of an Operator to cut and remove trees. Services shall include, but not be limited to, furnishing all labor, superintendence, tools, and equipment for cutting and removing trees on 123 acres of land.

Scope of Work

Work may begin on or after July 1, 2023. Services include (but not be limited to) furnishing all necessary labor, superintendence, tools, and equipment for cutting and removing trees on 123 acres of land.

  • Block 1 is 115 acres. Accordingly, block boundaries are marked by two (2) blue stripes, except for places where the road is the block boundary.
  • Reserve trees are marked with red paint. With the exception of red and blue marked trees, the operator will cut all trees 1″ DBH and over.  Additionally, all conifers are reserved. The operator must chip and remove all felled material from the game land.
  • Block 2 is eight (8) acres; this land is owned and managed by a department within the Pennsylvania Bureau of State Parks. 
  • Block boundaries are marked by two (2) blue stripes, except for places where the road is the block boundary. Also, the operator must cut all yellow-marked trees within the block boundary. The operator will not remove felled trees.
  • The operator must accordingly pull trees 25 feet from the existing road. 
  • The operator must fell all trees to ground level; also any leaning trees must be pushed or pulled to ground level. Additionally, the slash shall be lopped to no higher than 4’ and pulled apart as directed by the Regional Forester.
  • The operator must fell trees with clean cuts; in addition, tree stumps must be parallel to the ground surface and shall not exceed six (6) inches in height measured on the side next to the highest ground or the diameter of the stump, whichever is smaller (unless the Field Contract Coordinator makes an exception).
  • Finally, the operator shall exercise care and caution in all operations to prevent damage to all trees not specified for treatment.

View the full RFP on the Pennsylvania eMarektplace website.

Submission Information

The proposal submission deadline is 2:00 PM EST on May 4, 2023.

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