Phoenix, Arizona Photography Services RFP

The Aviation Department Public Relations Division invites sealed offers to provide Photography Services for the Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport (PHX), Phoenix Deer Valley Airport (DVT), and Phoenix Goodyear Airport (GYR) for an initial three-year period commencing on or about January 15, 2025, with two one-year options to extend which may be exercised by the sole discretion of the City.

Scope of Work

  • Some projects will require Contractor (and Key Personnel) to take photographs using onsite camera settings and lighting, as opposed to computer-based post-production editing. Other examples of relevant experience include studio lighting and color correction.
  • Contractor shall provide all labor, material, and equipment to provide photography services. The City will not pay for the purchase or rental cost of equipment utilized in this Contract.
  • Contractor must produce quality, high-resolution (30 megapixel, 300dpi) images design in-camera.
    • RAW files and Large JPEGS (minimum 30 megapixels) need to be delivered on an SD card immediately following Airport events.
      • SD card w/case listed as Optional Ancillary Services on Pricing Proposal (Exhibit B) for Offeror to submit.
      • Upon proof review, some images will require photofinishing, color correcting, and other post-production work, as needed.
  • Contractor must respond to City requests within 24 hours via telephone and/or email. 15 Request For Proposal #RFP 24-0330 Title: Photography Services
    • Most jobs will be planned with a minimum of one week’s notice, but some jobs may have a 24-hour notice.
    • Contractor must be able to accommodate all requests.
  • Contractor will delete all images at the end of the contract term upon approval from the ADR.
  • Contractor’s work must be unobtrusive to Airport operations and contractor must demonstrate professionalism at all times while on assignment.
  • Contractor will not commercially market its services during performance of the services at City events or photo shoots.
  • Contractor will not add or embed photos with branding captions or watermark signatures on image files provided to the City.

View the full RFP on The City of Phoenix website.

Submission Information

Lastly, the deadline to submit proposals is due at 3:00pm on Friday August 2, 2024.

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