Wekiva Springshed Education Campaign Bid
The Wekiva Springshed, in Orange County, Florida, is seeking a qualified agency to build a marketing campaign. In short, the campaign will effect behavior change of residents, businesses and visitors within the Wekiva Springshed. The Wekiva Springshed is a geographic area in Central Florida that includes 138 lakes and five rivers. Several large springs also border the area. In an effort to curb pollution, Orange County has released this education campaign RFP as a result of water sampling in the area.
The goal of the marketing campaign is to engage citizens and spur them into action as partners in preventing pollution from entering the springs, lakes and rivers within the Wekiva Springshed. The campaign must also include branding and education to raise environmental awareness. Additionally, this educational campaign RFP has a goal to inspire a culture of environmental stewardship.
The winning campaign should promote myriad media types. Examples include, but are not limited to, print educational materials, websites, social media postings, phone applications, radio/television Public Service Announcements (PSAs), signage, billboards, and public presentations and educational meetings. The ideal candidate will be able to provide methods, metrics, materials and partners necessary for implementing a successful campaign. Wekiva considers a successful campaign based on its ability to result in human behavior change within the basin area.
There is a pre-proposal conference on April 16, 2019 at 10:00 AM. All education campaign bids are due back to the Orange County Environmental Protection Division by May 7, 2019 at 2:00 PM. The Bid Lab’s Bid Manager can help you craft a winning proposal- call us today at 1-844-4BIDLAB or email respond@thebidlab.com!
Interested in more education campaign bids with Orange County? You can find open RFPs by clicking here.