Iowa Conservation Resources Cooperative Service Contract RFP

The DNR’s purpose of this RFP is to partner with an entity capable of delivering crew work and logistical support on an as-needed basis. Scope of Work The DNR’s purpose in entering into this Cooperative Agreement is: to partner with an entity capable of delivering crew work and logistical support on an as-needed basis, and…

Check out some Featured Bids from previous weeks across industries below. Make sure to check out the pertinent dates though to ensure it's not too late to pursue!

Upper Deerfield Township Schools Speech & Language Therapy RFP

The Upper Deerfield Township Board of Education, is accepting proposals from qualified agencies to provide Speech Therapy. The services shall be well suited to meet the Individual Education Plan service requirements of a K-12 school district’s special education students and General Education Students who are eligible for Speech. This is an additional contract to add…

Concord, New Hampshire Fourth Of July Fireworks RFP

The City of Concord, New Hampshire wishes to engage the services of a qualified private firm to provide the City with a Fourth of July Fireworks Display at Memorial Field and/or adjacent farm land in the amount of $30,000. The firm must be lawfully engaged in the State of New Hampshire in the service of…

Virginia Community College Event Management Software RFP

The VCCS is searching for a COTS event management platform that will streamline and enhance the event planning process, provide tools for agenda building, attendee management and engagement, sponsor/exhibitor coordination, and enable a seamless financial transaction process. This procurement is being conducted on behalf of the Virginia Community College System (VCCS). The VCCS consists of…

California Nature Center Exterior Exhibits RFP

The Department of Parks and Recreation, Inland Empire District is accepting bids for the Silverwood Lake SRA Nature Center Exterior Exhibits. Scope of Work The contractor agrees to furnish all labor, tools, materials and equipment necessary to: research, design, fabricate, and install up to 8 interpretive interactive display elements surrounding the Nature Center. These will be designed to provide updated information in a modern interpretive style…

Phoenix, Arizona New Construction of Affordable Rental Housing RFP

The City of Phoenix, through its Housing Department, intends to facilitate acquisition with rehabilitation and/or new construction, construction and/or rehabilitation of affordable rental housing by providing financing at low interest rates. The Housing Department is requesting applications that describe projects ready to begin construction at the time of application or which will be ready to…


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