City of Pleasanton’s Softball Fieldhouse Renovation RFP
The City of Pleasanton is seeking a qualified bidder to remodel the approximately 3,800-square foot softball fieldhouse and scorekeeper’s booth in the Ken Mercer Sports Park.
The scope of work must include, but is not limited to, the removal and replacement of the exterior cladding panels with Trespa siding material, a new metal roofing system, doors, windows, HVAC, interior paint, carpet, bathroom modifications and reconstruction of the four (4) scorekeeper’s booths and related site drainage improvements.
Estimate & Timeline
The engineer’s cost for the renovation bid is $1.2M. Due to the size and scope of the project, the Pleasanton softball complex will be shut down beginning November 2019. The projected completion date is February 2020.
Pleasanton requests that bidders submit three references of work done in the last seven years of similar size and scope. If you have the experience necessary to hit a home run on this RFP, this renovation bid is due back by November 1, 2019. You can find other bids like this one by visiting the City of Pleasanton’s website.
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