State of Delaware Economic Analysis for Shoreline Management RFP
The State of Delaware is accepting RFPs for economic analysis for shoreline management. The goal of this project is to recommend to the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) equitable local cost share ratios for shoreline management projects, such as beach nourishment, that are based upon sound economic data and analysis.
Scope of Work
- Task 1: Conduct a comprehensive review of past economic studies of shoreline management options in the Delaware Bay Beach and Delaware Ocean Beach communities.
- Task 2: Perform an economic benefits analysis for beach nourishment projects in the Delaware Ocean and Bay Beaches. The approach should be consistent with accepted economic analysis methods for evaluating natural resource benefits and beach nourishment’s economic impact.
- Task 3: Meet with DNREC advisory team quarterly throughout the project to present the proposed methods and analysis framework, the preliminary analysis, the analysis revisions and the final draft report prior to stakeholder meetings. Meet with the project manager on a monthly basis to discuss progress.
- Task 4: Organize and facilitate two (2) public workshops. One (1) to kick off and receive initial feedback on the assumptions and data to be used in the study. Then the second workshop to explain the findings of the study.
- Task 5: Generate the final report. The final report will be used by DNREC and advisors to support proposals of equitable local and state cost-share ratios for the non-federal share of federal beach nourishment projects as well as state-executed beach nourishment and shoreline management projects.
View the full RFP at the State of Delaware website.
Submission Information
Specifically, the deadline to submit proposals is 2:00 PM EST on March 27, 2023.
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