Maui Parks & Recreation Department Security Software RFP

The County of Maui, Hawaii is seeking proposals from contractor(s)/consultant(s) interested in providing a security and enforcement software program for the Department of Parks and Recreation. The department comprises a multi-office permit unit and a park security unit spanning two (2) islands and remote locations.

Project Background

A standard Park Security Officer (PSO) position is expected to patrol public parks and beaches to preserve order. Additionally, they provide information relating to park facilities, recreational programs, commercial ocean recreation activities, and other points of interest.

As such, part of each PSO’s job function is to be responsible for creating Daily Activity Reports (DARs) and Patrol Incident Reports (PIRs). These provide an overview of their patrols, requests for maintenance, as well as any citations and/or warnings.

Software Requirements

Traditionally, the Department has used standard office software for data reporting. This involves the consolidation of daily report information that compiles and analyzes the categories of the data. With the continued growth of the Parks Enforcement section, the need for real time data and report access is a priority.

Therefore, the County of Maui DPR is now seeking a solution from vendors. Chiefly, one that addresses both a Lone Guard and Security Monitoring mobile application with DAR and patrol incident reporting multimedia technology is of the utmost importance. Accordingly, the primary objective is to procure, implement and maintain a system or systems that mitigate the challenges listed above. Furthermore, the solution must allow for streamlined collection and processing of information, and facilitate standardization and timely access to information.

View the full software RFP by visiting PublicPurchase.

Submission Information

A non-mandatory Pre-Proposal Vendor Teleconference will be held on October 25, 2022 at 10:00AM HST. The proposal submission deadline is November 23, 2022 at 2:00PM HST.

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