Oregon Website Design and Maintenance RFP
The Oregon Forest Resources Institute (OFRI) was created by the Oregon Legislature in 1991. OFRI supports the forest sector and the stewardship of natural resources by advancing Oregonians’ understanding of social, environmental and economic benefits of our forests. A 13-member board of directors governs OFRI. It is funded by a dedicated forest products harvest tax. OFRI’s current contract for a web developer is complete, and OFRI is searching for a contractor to fulfill a new contract for the same services.
Scope of Work
Maintain DRUPAL as the preferred Content Management System (CMS) for the effective updating and maintenance of Oregonforests.org, LearnForests.org, KnowYourForest.org and OregonForestFacts.org. OregonForestLaws.org, TheForestReport.org and FireAmongUs.org is currently built using the WORDPRESS CMS. Contractor may recommend a migration from existing CMS to a new CMS if they can demonstrate how the migration will help achieve the website’s goals.
Provide ongoing maintenance of:
- OregonForests.org
- LearnForests.org
- KnowYourForest.org
- OregonForestLaws.org
- OregonForestFacts.org
- TheForestReport.org
- FireAmongUs.org
- Assist in the planning, design, programming and maintenance of any future websites created for or managed by OFRI.
Contractor will recommend an appropriate CMS for the creation of any future OFRI websites. It is OFRI’s preference to use an open-source CMS.
Propose how new or restructured websites should operate across multiple platforms, e.g. mobile, tablet, desktop and television.
Optimize all graphic assets (provided by OFRI and outside contractor) for websites based on approved style direction.
Assist in the development of new content elements for the sites that may include: streaming video and clips, interactive and database-driven elements, forms for multiple users and the like. Facilitate ease of downloading and compatibility of the website with a wide range of user web browsers.
Integrate client-generated or third-party-generated assets into existing web programming when necessary. Repair ineffective components of websites as identified by OFRI staff.
Contract with a hosting provider to house the OFRI sites. The cost of website hosting will be invoiced to OFRI, with backup documentation verifying the expense. No markup allowed by the Contractor for hosting charges.
Provide URL-related services when needed (URL forwarding, transfers, etc.). Establish and maintain Google Analytics for all sites. Provide monthly analytics reports as agreed upon by OFRI and the contractor. Provide additional Web-related services as requested by OFRI.
The contractor should review the statement of work in the sample contract for further clarification of the work expected under the resulting contract.
View the full RFP on oregonbuys.com
Submission Information
Lastly, the deadline to submit proposals is due at 2:00pm on Thursday September 26, 2024.
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