Oxnard School District After-School Programs RFP

Oxnard School District invites your organization to submit an Enrichment Agency proposal in response to this Request for Proposals – After-School Program Services. OSD is seeking qualified after-school program providers to deliver supplemental academic and enrichment programs for OSD students.

Scope of Work

To qualify for this RFP, Enrichment Agencies must have at least five (5) years of experience in delivering innovative, resultsoriented after-school programs for elementary and/or middle school aged youth in the Oxnard community or a similarly situated community and otherwise satisfy the criteria in this RFP, and currently provide after-school program services to youth.

OSD’s after-school programs consist of academic and enrichment activities that are educational, fun, and safe, and supplement daily instruction. The programs are offered Monday through Friday from school dismissal until 6:00 p.m. (including minimum days) and operate a minimum of 15 hours per week. Programs are offered to students in grades K-8 in academics, fitness and nutrition, and youth development, as further explained below.

  • Academics, including academic enrichment learning (language arts, mathematics, history and social science, computer training, or science), tutoring, homework support, coding, robotics, making, forensics, arts and cultural activities;
  • Fitness and nutrition, including dance, martial arts, intramural sports, yoga, mindfulness, cooperative games, gardening, cooking, outdoor education (community mapping, hiking, backcountry camping, bicycling), health and nutrition education; and
  • Youth development, including career and job training, entrepreneurial education, technology/telecommunications training, community service, internships and apprenticeships, substance abuse and drug prevention, violence prevention, counseling and character education, peer mentoring, youth led community service, technical education.

The above categories are examples. The programs vary from school to school and are tailored at each school to meet the particular academic and social needs of the school population. Programs are generally held in person but may occasionally be held remotely or in hybrid format during local, State, or national emergencies, civil unrest, or other imminent danger to students or staff.

View the full RFP on the Oxnard School District’s Website.

Submission Information

Lastly, the deadline to submit proposals is due at 1:00pm on Friday December 6, 2024.

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