Wolcott, Connecticut Pedestrian Bridge RFP

The Town of Wolcott, CT is accepting proposals for a pedestrian bridge. The town is seeking to purchase and have delivered to the project site, three (3) sections of a fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) prefabricated pedestrian bridge. Installation of the FRP sections will be over the Lower Scovill (Cornelis) Dam in Wolcott, CT. Additionally, the bridge is to be placed and anchored to the existing reinforced concrete abutments.

General Description

Above all, as minimum standards for design and construction, these specifications apply to a fully engineered, clear-span fiber-reinforced polymer composite bridge.


  • Qualified Suppliers – The bridge producer shall have been in the business of design and fabrication of bridges for a minimum of five (5) years and provide a list of 10 successful bridge projects of similar construction.

General Design Features

  • Span – Bridge spans will be 60, 82 and 13.5 feet long. Additionally, sections of bridge decking and rails shall be provided to transition from the bridge deck to the existing top of berm elevations as marked on the plans.
  • Width – The bridge width will be six (6) feet wide.
  • Bridge System Type – There must be FRP truss spans for bridges. Truss bridge will have sloped ends.
  • Member Components – Members will be fabricated using FRP composite profiles and structural shapes as required.
  • Camber – The bridge will be mechanically precambered over the full length of the bridge.

View the full RFP at Connecticut’s Official State Website.

Submission Information

Specifically, the deadline to submit proposals is 11:00 AM EST on March 8, 2023.

Interested in Responding to this RFP?

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