City of Port Orange Executive Search Services Recruitment RFP
With 12.6 million Americans currently unemployed, effective recruitment services are now a must. This is especially the case for companies looking to tap into high-level talent. The City of Port Orange, Florida has released a recruitment RFP for a firm to conduct an executive search for its City Manager position. The City employs about 500 employees on an annual basis. The chosen firm will develop a process for recruitment, including a timeline for actions of the recruitment process.
In addition, the City will work with a firm representative to develop a profile of the ideal qualifications and experience. As part of this recruitment RFP, the firm will be responsible for advertising the position and receiving and compiling applications. Also, it will schedule interviews, offer summaries of all candidates, and facilitate the interview process by conducting reference and background checks. To track progress, the firm must submit bi-weekly reports to the City.
Submission Timeline
Note that this recruitment RFP is due December 10, 2020 at 2:30 PM. Firms should submit proposals to the City Clerk’s Office at 1000 City Center Circle, Port Orange, Florida 32129. Also, applicants must direct any questions in writing to Purchasing Manager, Jim Tillman CPPO. C.P.M., at or Reference “Questions on RFP #21-05 Executive Search Services” in the subject line. In your proposal package, submit one original copy and one digital version on a CD or flash drive. View the full RFP here.
In addition, the City of Port Orange will evaluate proposals for this recruitment RFP as follows:
- Experience and Qualifications – 50 points
- Scope of Services – 30 points
- Cost of Services – 20 points
At The Bid Lab, we’ve had extensive experience working with the nuances and specific formats of recruitment RFPs. Just as you want to provide superior recruitment services, you must highlight your own unique experience and qualifications. The Bid Lab can make your RFP writing experience a positive one. We offer assistance with anything from researching and writing your bid to designing and packaging it for submission. Also, if you’re looking to release an RFP of your own, check out Bid Builder here!