Santa Clara Valley, CA Printing Services RFP

Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) provides public transportation services to current and potential riders in Santa Clara County. Each year, Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority orders and distributes approximately 1.5 million total pieces of public transit Timeguides for the bus and light rail services. Currently, there are 47 different versions (routes) of different Timeguide designs.


Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority typically orders large quantities of Timeguides four (4) times per year to accommodate quarterly transit service changes and inventory replenishment. The large Timeguides orders typically consist of multiple versions with a total quantity of up to 350,000 pieces, and each version’s quantity varies between the range of 1,000 to 60,000 pieces. On rare occasions, Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority may order small quantities of Timeguides on an as-needed basis due to the depletion of inventory.

View the full RFP on OpenGov Procurement.

Submission Information

Lastly, the deadline to submit proposals is 2:00 PM PT on April 13, 2023. This is a sealed bid process and the vendor will need to include pricing.

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