Library Master Plan RFP

Library Master Plan RFP
Library Master Plan RFP

Montana’s Great Falls Public Library (GFPL) is seeking proposals from qualified consulting firms to provide professional services to produce a Library Master Plan.

The RFP is available online for download via the City of Great Falls Montana RFP Portal.

This 10-year roadmap will ensure an “appropriate balance of facilities and services throughout the community”. Also per the RFP, consulting firms must be able to collect and analyze data to “develop a clear set of goals, policies and standards for the library’s facilities, services and program development”.

Consultants will work closely with key stakeholders including library staff and the Library Board of Trustees. Furthermore, the process will entail seeking feedback from the public to develop programs that align with their interests.

Firms must be able to address the following components as part of the final Library Master Plan:

  • Public Process
  • Statistically Valid Survey
  • Demographics and Trends
  • Existing and Future Facilities — Analysis of Level of Service
  • Analysis of Programs and Services
  • Rank and Prioritize Demand and Opportunities
  • Progress Reporting
  • Action Plan
  • Development of Final Plans and Supporting Materials

Firms can view details specific to each component within the Library Master Plan RFP.

The GFPL collection houses more than 135,000 items. They provide access to periodicals, microform, clippings files, DVDs, CDs and software. Programs currently include children’s story hours, summer reading programs, homebound outreach program, bookmobile outreach and much more. GFPL strives to inform, educate and entertain, and also serve to provide an environment for public discourse. Visit the Great Falls Public Library website to learn more about their current programs and offerings.

Important Submission Information

Proposals are due no later than Friday, December 3, 2021 at 5 PM EST.

Additionally, firms should prepare to submit five (5) hard copies via mail to the address listed within the RFP.

Interested in Responding to the Library Master Plan RFP?

The Bid Lab can help your consulting firm bid to become the next partner of Great Falls Public Library. Our team of bid managers are experts in helping organizations like yours respond to not only meet, but exceed, each bid requirement. Not only that, we know what it takes to make your bid stand out against the competition. Furthermore, we’ll implement our tried-and-true methods to organize your bid to score high within each evaluation criteria outlined in the RFP. So, contact us today to see how we can make your experience a positive and informative one!

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