Pilot IRS Program — SCaaS RFP

The IRS has issued a Solution Challenge seeking companies with innovative solutions to help them scan to digitalize upwards of 1 billion papers. The Pilot IRS Program’s Scanning as a Service (SCaaS) RFP is awarding up to $7.5 million per awarded proposal over the next four (4) and a half years.

The solicitation is for “innovative solutions to digitalize paper documents and transmit the digital files back to the IRS via a digital channel.” Companies may need to scan documents or further expand solutions to extract machine-readable data.

The IRS doesn’t indicate any specific solutions or approaches, nor do they indicate any preferred approach over another.

Companies should prepare to address these four (4) goals within their solicitation:
  • Receive, prepare, reproduce, sort, validate, store, return and transfer 300 and 400 DPI into PDF — or comparable formats to be determined at a later date by the IRS — digital copies of various sized paper records, pictures and forms, potentially in very large volumes, with impeccable accuracy, high level of speed and low levels of manual activity.
  • Meet all IRS minimum technical digitization specifications, minimum metadata elements for IRS records, and minimum quality assurance, control and review standards.
  • Interface and be compliant with IRS systems, cybersecurity requirements, hardware and software, etc.
  • Validate and report on the accuracy of scanned digital copies against the original records. Transfer the digital copies to downstream processes such as data extraction that may be hosted within IRS systems and/or third-party extraction solutions through industry standard interface mechanisms.

The Pilot IRS Program will deploy this SCaaS in two (2) phases:

  1. Testing and Pilot/Initial Deployment. Consisting of a complete demonstration of the proposed solution that meets the requirements of the four (4) goals.
  2. Deployment. The selected solution will focus on scaling and leveraging efficiencies to handle the significant workload in a timely manner.

The Pilot IRS Program began in 2019 to help the agency test, purchase and deploy innovative technology solutions. A “test first, then deploy” program therefore reduces the risk of time and money spent on implementing new technology solutions through usual procurement avenues. All outcome information will be available to the public, with the exception of intellectual or proprietary information.

Proposal Submission Details

Proposals are due no later than Wednesday, July 28, 2021 at 8 AM EDT.

Vendors may obtain Phase 1 instructions along with complete IRS Goals by downloading Pilot IRS EDCMO SCaaS Draft RFP. If your business needs assistance to download this RFP through SAM.gov, The Bid Lab can help.
Email us at respond@thebidlab.com or schedule a free consultation with us today!

Want to Know More About This RFP?

Does your team have the resource capacity to manage digitizing these IRS documents, but are unsure how to respond? The Bid Lab can help! We’ll gladly review the RFP’s proposal requirements with you, including the multiple phase requirements through the evaluation criteria. Our experience will then guide your way through the entire RFP response process. So, contact us today to see how we can make your experience a positive and informative one!

Advertising & Media Services RFP