US Chess Printing RFP
The US Chess Federation is seeking proposals for the printing and mailing of its primary publications Chess Life and Chess Life Kids. Printers will also be responsible for their annual ancillary items that include Delegates Call,
Executive Board Election Ballot, four Tournament Programs and a hard-bound Chess Life book.
The US Chess Federation is the official governing body and not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization for chess players and supporters in the US. Their vision is to see “that chess is recognized as an essential tool that
promotes inclusiveness and benefits education, rehabilitation, recreation and friendly competition.”
As per the US Chess Printing RFP requirement list, vendors will need to be able to furnish:
- A demonstrated history of providing high-quality mailing services
- Digital edition for each issue of Chess Life and Chess Life Kids
- Downsampled PDF of each issue of Chess Life and Chess Life Kids
- Ability to have the primary publications delivering in-home starting the first of each month.
US Chess sanctions and rates over 10,000 tournaments and over one-half million games every year! They additionally host over 25 National Championships and award titles to both amateurs and professionals. These players range from elementary school students to senior citizens. Furthermore, the Federation connects US-based players to competitors all over the world. They also now serve more than 95,000 members and 1,200 affiliated clubs and organizations.
Important US Chess Printing RFP Information
View the full details of this RFP by visiting the US Chess Printing RFP article page.
It’s important to recognize this is a “Best Value” solicitation. The US Chess review committee will award the contract to the vendor who can:
- Accomplish the requirements set forth in the RFP most advantageously (considering all non-price factors)
- Represent the best value to US Chess based on comparative analysis and integrated assessment of proposals
However, if all competing technical proposals are determined to be “essentially equal”, price could become a controlling factor in the decision-making process.
The submittal deadline for proposals is Monday, November 1, 2021.
Do You Need Help Responding to This RFP?
Although the requirement stipulations of this RFP are not lengthy, it’s imperative your firm provides a proposal that stands out against the competition. Our team of bid managers will ensure your proposal is written to speak to the US Chess Evaluation Committee. We highlight your values in a well-thought-out and finally beautifully designed submission, while your team focuses on what you do best — printing and mailing services. So, contact us today by scheduling a free consultation or give us a call at 1-844-4BIDLAB. Then again, if you prefer email, reach out at to see how we can make your experience a positive one.