South Dakota RFPs: The Ultimate Guide to South Dakota Bids

After riding your motorcycle through the beautiful Mount Rushmore State, you decide it is time to make a pit stop at Wall Drug. As you sit outside sipping your free ice water, an idea hits you. You should search for a South Dakota RFP when you get home to build your business. But where can you find South Dakota-specific RFPs? How do you draft an RFP response? And the ultimate question—how do you win an RFP contract in South Dakota?
The following will help guide you down the road of the South Dakota RFP process by providing links to South Dakota-specific RFP resources. Keep reading to learn all about the South Dakota RFP process!
What is an RFP?
Before you can search for a South Dakota RFP, you have to understand what an RFP actually is. An RFP is a Request for Proposals. Basically, an organization wants to request a proposal from a vendor for services or goods. With a formal RFP, an organization gives public notice and invites bidders to submit an RFP. With an informal RFP, the request is not publicly announced. When an organization requests either a formal or informal RFP, they are looking for potential bidders to submit a comprehensive response to the questions they set forth to determine the best candidate to fulfill their needs.
South Dakota uses three procurement methods:
- Request for Quotation. An RFQ is used for informal requests that do not exceed $50,000.00 or for requests that don’t need to be publicly advertised.
- Invitation for Bid. An IFB is a formal request for bids. These bids usually exceed $50,000.00.
- Request for Proposal. An RFP is a competitive procurement method in which proposals are submitted. The bids are submitted by sealed bid, and cost is not the single determining factor; other important factors for the project are also examined. An RFP is used to find the best possible solution for the state project.
Finding South Dakota RFP?
In South Dakota, state agencies must use the guidelines set forth by the Bureau of Administration (BOA) Office of Procurement Management to purchase goods and services. The BOA requires registration with its ESM Source system. That means that in order to submit your South Dakota RFP bid, you must register with the ESM Source system. Registration allows a bidder to customize which RFPs best match the goods or services they offer.
A subscription search engine is also a great tool for finding RFPs. Bid Banana is our very own user-friendly RFP search engine. It’s easy to navigate and provides the most up-to-date bids available, so think about checking it out!
Drafting a Response
After you have found a South Dakota RFP that looks like a great match, you need to take a deeper look. Determine if you can provide the services or goods requested within the RFP. If not, then keep searching. However, if you do have the ability to fulfill the needs of the RFP, it’s time to get busy and gather the needed information.
The South Dakota RFP will be very precise in what they are wanting you to answer.
- Answer all questions. Take the time to really think through what they are asking and answer every question. Follow all the directions and triple-check to make sure you aren’t leaving anything out.
- Be specific. When crafting your South Dakota RFP response, answer what the organization is asking and don’t get off track. They are asking for something specific, so tell them exactly how you can best meet their needs.
- Include all documents. Create resumes if you don’t already have them. If they are asking for copies of licenses or certificates, make sure to add them as attachments. You don’t want to leave anything out that they are asking for. They have a reason to want that information, so give them what they want.
If you have any specific questions about South Dakota RFPs, check out the South Dakota Vendor’s Manual and the Procedures Procurement Manual. These comprehensive manuals provide a lot of great information on how South Dakota does business. The Vendor’s Manual includes information about the bidder’s list, procurement methods, receipt and opening of bids and award policies. The Procedures Procurement Manual also provides definitions of key terms and an outline of the procurement process in South Dakota.
Winning a South Dakota Bid
When completing your South Dakota RFP, the details can make all the difference in getting awarded a bid. After all, the little things matter. So, they can set you apart from your competition.
- Don’t be afraid to brag about yourself, your employees, and your business. You have spent countless hours building your business, so don’t be afraid to show off and tell the organization why you are the best at fulfilling their needs.
- Include the requested information such as bid number, copies of licenses, resumes, and other specific information wanted. You want to make it as easy as possible for the organization to know exactly what South Dakota RFP you are bidding on and that you have given them everything they want.
- Make sure that you know the deadline! While this may sound obvious, it is important to ensure that you complete all required materials within the proper time frame.
After you find the perfect South Dakota RFP, you have gathered all the information requested, and you finished writing your response, it is time to hop back on your motorcycle and wait for the call that you won your South Dakota RFP.
You Don’t Have to Search for South Dakota Bids Alone
Looking for RFPs in South Dakota? Try Bid Banana, the user-friendly RFP search engine! We’ve got an entire article about finding RFPs in the Mount Rushmore state. Once you find your bid, we’ll be here to help you write it, too! We’re RFP experts, and we’ve helped countless businesses manage their response process from start to finish. So reach out to schedule a free consultation with The Bid Lab today by calling 1-844-4BIDLAB or emailing
Check out our Learning Center for more tips on finding the top RFPs for your business.