Virginia Community College Event Management Software RFP

The VCCS is searching for a COTS event management platform that will streamline and enhance the event planning process, provide tools for agenda building, attendee management and engagement, sponsor/exhibitor coordination, and enable a seamless financial transaction process. This procurement is being conducted on behalf of the Virginia Community College System (VCCS). The VCCS consists of…

California Nature Center Exterior Exhibits RFP

The Department of Parks and Recreation, Inland Empire District is accepting bids for the Silverwood Lake SRA Nature Center Exterior Exhibits. Scope of Work The contractor agrees to furnish all labor, tools, materials and equipment necessary to: research, design, fabricate, and install up to 8 interpretive interactive display elements surrounding the Nature Center. These will be designed to provide updated information in a modern interpretive style…

Phoenix, Arizona New Construction of Affordable Rental Housing RFP

The City of Phoenix, through its Housing Department, intends to facilitate acquisition with rehabilitation and/or new construction, construction and/or rehabilitation of affordable rental housing by providing financing at low interest rates. The Housing Department is requesting applications that describe projects ready to begin construction at the time of application or which will be ready to…

Fresno, California Vending Machine Contract IFB

The City of Fresno California is accepting bids for a vending machine contract for the Department of Rehabilitation. Scope of Work Contractor agrees to supply all labor, materials, tools, vending machine equipment, products and transportation necessary to perform all services required for the vending machines on behalf of the Department of Rehabilitation’s Business Enterprises Program….

Seminole County, Florida CRM Design RFP

A consultant to develop a scope for a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system. The purpose of this scope is to provide effective collection, tracking, and resolution of interactions with county residents and, optionally, employees. A CRM will enable or improve service delivery to residents, effective business workflows, inter-departmental collaboration, centralized request management, reduce redundant systems…

Oxnard School District After-School Programs RFP

Oxnard School District invites your organization to submit an Enrichment Agency proposal in response to this Request for Proposals – After-School Program Services. OSD is seeking qualified after-school program providers to deliver supplemental academic and enrichment programs for OSD students. Scope of Work To qualify for this RFP, Enrichment Agencies must have at least five…

Coconut Creek, Florida Landscape Maintenance Services RFPs

The City of Coconut Creek, Florida is actively seeking proposals from qualified Proposers to provide Landscape Maintenance Services for the Facilities, Parks and Greenways to the City. Scope of Work The City of Coconut Creek, “The Butterfly Capital of the World”, is located in South Florida. The City has a population of 52,000 and houses…

California Community Wholeness and Enrichment RFP

San Bernardino County Department of Behavioral Health is seeking proposals from interested and qualified organizations and agencies to provide a proposed plan for providing Prevention and Early Intervention Community Wholeness and Enrichment services. Scope of Work The targeted population for this program is transitional age youth (TAY) (ages 16-25) and adults (ages 26-59), and their…

State of Pennsylvania EMS High School Pilot Program RFP

The Pennsylvania Department of Health is looking for a vendor to implement an Emergency Medical Services training program for high school students who are in at least the 9th grade to increase the number of individuals capable of becoming EMS providers. Scope of Work The Grantee shall design and implement an Emergency Medical Services training…